June 30 Speaker, 10:30 a.m
Ripples in our Heritage: The importance of our waterways in Sturgeon Point and the Kawartha Lakes. Zac Miller, Archivist, The Kawartha Lakes Museum and Archives, will kick off Sturgeon Point’s 125th anniversary celebrations with a presentation on the heritage of our waterways. He’ll delve into their impact on sports and recreation, from days past to days present, as well as their critical economic and environmental impact.
July 7 Service, 10:30 a.m
Debbie Sherwin has been leading services at our church for many summers. A licensed lay worship leader in the United Church, she serves multiple rural ministries in between training to walk the Camino Primitivo in northern Spain.
July 14 Service, 10:30 a.m
The Rev Ron Wallace was the minister of St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Lindsay. In retirement, Ron has been active in Community Care Kawartha Lakes, Kawartha Lakes Food Source, Kawartha Lakes Hospice, and the Pastoral Care Committees at Ross Memorial and Victoria Manor.
July 21 Speaker, 10:30 a.m
Creating a Bird-Friendly Garden. Thomas Luloff is Professor in the Conservation Biology and Fish and Wildlife programs at the School of Environmental Resources and Natural Sciences, Fleming College. He is the Senior Wildlife Biologist at Kawartha Wildlife Centre, the Liaison to Nature Canada for Bird-Friendly Cities, and currently studying to become a Master Gardener and an apiarist.
July 28, Service
The Rev Cathy Gibbs is the Adult Education Minister at Christ Church Deer Park in Toronto. Cathy taught secondary school for 32 years, finishing her career as the Head of a Special Needs Department. Following her ordination, she served as the chaplain of Toronto’s Bishop Strachan School.
August 4
The church will be closed for Civic sailing, swimming and boating celebrations
August 11 Service, 10:30 a.m
The Rev Doug Norris. After retirement from ministry at Rosedale United in Toronto and directing a cancer care retreat central in the Algonquin Highlands, Doug works as a semi-retired carpenter and cabinetmaker in Haliburton and volunteers as a radio host with Canoe FM 100.9
August 18 Speaker, 10:30 a.m
The Executive Director of the Kawartha Land Trust, John Kintare’s talk is titled “Protecting The Land you Love: Local Solutions to Global Problems”. The KLT works with local communities on land conservation and restoration, ensuring critical habitats for plants and animals are protected, vital carbon stores remain intact, and opportunities for nature connection are created and shared. Join John to learn more about KLT’s work and how we can help affect change, locally and globally.
August 25 SPA AGM, 10:00 a.m
The church will host the Annual General Meeting of the Sturgeon Point Association.
October 13, Annual Thanksgiving Weekend Food Drive
Join us for our Annual Thanksgiving Food Drive. Larry Thomas will be there from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
We hope to see you this summer.
Lynne Davis, organist